Plasma Pen Fibroblasting


Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International

Plasma Pen treatment, also known as Plasma Fibroblast Therapy, is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment to eliminate wrinkles, reduce stretch marks and scars, lift brows, tighten skin, reduce acne scars, removes skin tags and moles and more!

Alli’s Beauty is proud to offer Plasma Pen treatments using Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International, the world’s most advanced non-invasive, nitrogen plasma device on the market. The first Plasma skin tightening device on the market that is also FDA and TGA approved in Australia.

How Plasma Pen Works

Plasma Pen treatment targets fibroblasts, which are collagen- and protein-producing cells in the dermis (the layer just below the outermost skin layer). Fibroblasts help maintain the firmness and tightness of the skin, as well as heal wounds on the skin.

Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh International creates nitrogen plasma gas. During the treatment, the energy collects on the surface of the skin barrier, and ionized plasma gas is safely released from about 1mm above the skin. This transfers to the epidermal layer of skin and creates a superficial trauma and promotes fibroblast cells to get produced dramatically.

After a Plasma Pen treatment, the treated area is visibly smoother, fine lines and deeper wrinkles are reduced. Any acne scarring is smoothed, skin tags and moles are removed and are flat to the skin. The results are almost instant, and in some cases can last up to three years.

Beware of cheap, unregulated Plasma Pens! Alli’s Beauty uses a genuine Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh, manufactured in Germany and is CE Certified, FDA Registered and TGA Approved in Australia. Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh delivers the most optimal, natural-looking, and longer-lasting plasma fibroblast results with minimal downtimes and quick recovery.

What does the Plasma Pen treatment process look like?

The Plasma Pen treatment involves cleansing the skin and applying a topical numbing cream to the specific skin area being treated.

When the cream takes effect, the designated skin area is treated with the Plasma Pen, creating a precision plasma arc that causes immediate superficial micro-trauma to the upper epidermal layer of the skin (tiny dots or very fine scratch marks to the skin). I wait until your skin is numb enough for you to feel comfortable to proceed.

This micro-trauma stimulates the healing process for the creation of new, rejuvenated, tight, and smooth tissue over the next 12 weeks. During this phase, collagen and elastin are produced, plumping the structure of the skin to soften and eliminate lines and wrinkles.

The numbing cream will then be removed, and aftercare products will be applied to minimise the tingling and heat sensation.

Lesion removal Info (Mole and Skin Tag)

The best way to remove moles for cosmetic purposes is with the Plasma Pen by Louise Walsh. Plasma Energy has antibacterial properties, and the machine cauterizes the surface to prevent any risk of infection and also stimulates fibroblast cells to promote healthy cell growth to prevent any scar damage. Moles are to be checked by a doctor first with written approval that they do not look cancerous. Skin tags are fine to be removed without a doctors consent.

How long does the treatment take?
The Plasma Pen treatment can take between 30min - 3.5hrs, depending on the area of the skin being treated.

What are the downtime and recovery like?

While the carbon crusts are on the skin (scabs):

  • The small dots from the treatment will scab over and fall off after between 3-9 days.

  • Possible normal post treatment side effects: swelling (eyes swell very easily), stinging sensation feels like sunburn immediately after treatment and heat.

  • As the skin heals over the following weeks, the skin should appear firmer and tighter. Full remoddeling of the skin takes 12 weeks to achieve.

  • You will receive a home care pack included in your treatment price to apply to the treated area. You can only apply Plasma Pen aftercare products or products recommended by Alli’s Beauty while the scabs are on the skin. The tinted aftercare balm camoflages the dots so you are able to go about your normal work activites

  • No water on the treated area while the scabs are on the skin. Water causes the scabs to fall off the skin too early.

After scabs have fallen off:

  • Once the scabs have fallen off you can go back to your normal skincare.

  • You can wear mineral foundation.

  • The skin may be slightly pink for a month after.

Very few clients experience any complications after a Plasma Pen treatment. Our treatments deliver quicker downtimes, faster recovery, and visible results.

As this treatment promets new healthy collagen (baby skin) please try your best to avoid staying out of the sun for prolonged periods for 3 months post treatment. (eg dont plan a fishing trip, camping. hiking etc). You can still go into the sun for brief amounts of time when wearing a wide brim hat and spf 50+ and reapply every hour.

If you would like to book in for a free consultation, please email me

Alli’s Beauty uses the Plasma Pen smoke evacuator to remove the smell to make my clients feel more comfortable.